Decals for your Birthday Party

FUN IDEAS FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE'S PARTY Make their party unforgettable! Let them be the main protagonist!

Birthday Tattoo Corner

Celebrate your little one's birthday in a fun and original way! Create a custom temporary tattoo's space at their next party and have fun watching all the little ones get tattooed all afternoon long. This kit includes verything you need to customize several designs with their names, favorite characters, illustrations and other special details, or you can also choose some designs from our children's gallery in Yatatu-birthday

They are made of safe and eco-friendly materials, non-toxic and tasteless, with bright colors and clear, beautiful patterns. Place the sign on a table so that children can follow a quick and easy guide to apply the tattoos. Add a fun and original touch to your child's birthday party with this custom temporary tattoo kit!

Order your kit here
We invite you to visit our blog Where you will find fun ideas with temporary tattoos for your little one's party
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